Welcome, Monkeyboys & Monkeygirls

Published by AdminLad on Friday, January 26, 2024

So this is my web presence. Welcome. I hope you like. Feel free to wander about but don’t touch anything. Hah, just kidding! You can touch whatever you want1.

John O’Connor (Vincent Schiavelli), Lord John Whorfin (John Lithgow), John Bigbooté2 (Christopher Lloyd)

Click the image to make it real big

Okay, so in case you hadn’t guessed, I’m mildly(totally) obsessed with Buckaroo Banzai. According to IMDb—the only source I could find—the film did get a theatrical release in Australia through Roadshow Films but I must’ve blinked and missed it because I don’t remember it at all. As a result, my introduction to the movie came about when it was finally released on home video. Now, there may have been someone who rented that particular copy from the video store more than me but I seriously doubt it. This was, of course, quite a few years before the invention of the DVD and back then I never bothered buying video cassettes because the tape was so prone to getting chewed up, and once that happened the thing was fucked so in my mind I always thought it was a waste of money. However, when DVD did finally arrive on the scene that was a whole ‘nother kettle of fish, and I still have DVDs that I purchased 25+ years ago; including a region 1 version of the Buckaroo Banzai DVD. I had to buy the import version because a region 4 Aussie version took a few more years to appear—and when it did it lacked any of the special features on the U.S. version. I still have that DVD but I don’t watch it any more because I have further upgraded to a beautiful Blu-ray release from Arrow Video. And yeah, if it ever gets a 4k release, I will buy that too.:D

And remember, wherever you go…there you are.


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  2. john-bigboote-532248834.gif ^top