Lossless Audio Checking
Lossless Audio Checker is a free program that can allegedly tell if a FLAC or WAV file is truly lossless or whether it’s transcoded or otherwise adulterated. Yeah Nah. It don’t work, I’m sorry to say. How do I know this? I converted a .MP3 file to a .FLAC file, and L.A.C. told me it was “clean”. Wut??
At least Spek can see the difference.
Spectrum analysis of the original MP3 file - (click image for larger version)
Spectrum analysis of the Transcoded FLAC file - (click image for larger version)
As you can see, the spectrum is almost identical. (I’d also like to point out that, yes, I know Oye Cosmos Va is from Baffo Banfi’s Ma, Dolce Vita album, not The Sound of Southern Sunsets LP. There are two albums in the one directory, okay!)
Now let’s see what the opposite looks like.
Spectrum analysis of the Original FLAC file - (click image for larger version)]
Spectrum analysis of the .FLAC converted down to a .MP3 file - (click image for larger version)]
As you can see, there is a huge difference in the two. Now, I know there is an ongoing debate about whether you can even hear the difference but the fact is; you can, and anyone who says otherwise is plain wrong. ‘Nuff said.
Oh, and One Great Thing is one of the greatest things ever in the universe. No argument will be considered.
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